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    • in the ml610q305, the sound data and the control program share the same memory, so the playback time (maximum value) depends on the capacity of the control program.

      if the control program 16k bytes, sampling frequency 8khz, 4-bit adpcm2 method, 32 phrases, and editing rom function are not used, the playback time is approximately 20.1 seconds.
    • lexide-u16 window position information is stored in the workspace ".metadata\.plugins" folder.
      if you use the windows standard zip function ([right-click] > [send to] > [compressed (zipped) folder]) in explorer to compress a zip file, some parts of the linux format folder starting with a dot are not compressed.
      in this case, extracting the zip file and opening it with lexide-u16 will reset the window position information.
      if you want to compress the workspace, please use a compression application that supports linux format folders such as 7-zip or lhaplus.
    • products: microcontrollers (mcus)
    • the method to redisplay the "select a directory as workspace" dialog is as follows.
      1. select [window] > [preferences] from the lexide-u16 main menu.
      2. select [general] > [startup and shutdown] > [workspaces] from the left panel of the [preferences] dialog.
      3. enable the [prompt for workspace on startup] checkbox.
    • products: microcontrollers (mcus)
    • it is assumed that no debug information is included.
      please check "compile/assemble options" and "target options" in ideu8.

      [compile/assemble options]
      check "print debug information" in the "general" tab.

      [target option]
      check "print debug information" in the "general" tab.

      after setting the above, build again and restart dtu8.
    • products: microcontrollers (mcus)
    • as the memory model goes from small to large, the size of pointers to functions changes from 2 bytes to 3 bytes.
      please note that when using an array of pointers to functions.
      the sizeof operation result for a single pointer to a function in the large model is 3, but in the case of an array of pointers to functions, a 1-byte padding is inserted after each element.
      so with 5 elements, the size of the array is
      ((pointer size 3 bytes) (padding 1 byte)) * (number of elements 5) = 20 bytes.
      for details, see " arrays other than char type" in "ccu8 programming guide".

      also, when calculating the number of elements in an array, it is generally calculated by dividing the size of the entire array by the size of the elements in the array.
      therefore, the following macro may be defined as a macro for calculating the number of array elements.
      #define arr_num(array) (sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]))
      if the pointer size is 3 bytes, the total array size includes 1 byte padding for each element, so the number of elements is calculated incorrectly. in this case, you need to change it as follows.
      #define arr_num(array) (sizeof(array)/(sizeof(array[0]) == 3 ? 4 : sizeof(array[0])))
    • products: microcontrollers (mcus)
    • the cause may be that the data flash erase processing in the program was executed.
      the program starts running when the microcontroller is powered on.
      after that, when the debugger is started with lexide-u16, the debugger stops the program.
      if the program executed before starting the debugger includes data flash erase processing, the data flash area will be erased.
      as a result, it appears that the data flash area is initialized when the debugger is started.
    • products: general-purpose mcus (16bit) , speech playback mcus (8bit)
    • this is because the information of the copy source remains in the project.
      please follow the steps below to delete the copy source information and set it again.

      right click on the project > [properties] > [c/c build] > [refresh policy]
      (1) delete the copy source project displayed in "a" with the [delete] button in "b"
      (2) click the "c" [add resource] button to add the current project
    • products: general-purpose mcus (16bit) , speech playback mcus (8bit)
    • please refer to the application note "how to allocate functions and variables to specific areas".
      it describes how to allocate functions and ram variables in specific areas.
      the application note can be downloaded from our support site.

      related products: ml610(q)40x, ml610(q)42x, ml610(q)47x, ml610(q)48x, ml610q10x, ml610q11x, ml610q17x, ml610q30x, ml610q35x, ml610q36x, ml610q38x, ml610q41x, ml610q43x, ml610q46x, ml620q13x, ml620q15x, ml620q416/ml620q418, ml620q503h/ml620q504h/ml620q506h, ml62q12xx, ml62q13xx, ml62q14xx, ml62q15xx/ml62q18xx, ml62q16xx, ml62q17xx

    • products: general-purpose mcus (16bit) , speech playback mcus (8bit)
    • with the name of the function you want to find selected on the lexide-u16 edit screen (not including parentheses), select "open declaration" from the pop-up menu that appears when right-clicked, and the contents of the defined function will be displayed.

      related products: ml610(q)40x, ml610(q)42x, ml610(q)47x, ml610(q)48x, ml610q10x, ml610q11x, ml610q17x, ml610q30x, ml610q35x, ml610q36x, ml610q38x, ml610q41x, ml610q43x, ml610q46x, ml620q13x, ml620q15x, ml620q416/ml620q418, ml620q503h/ml620q504h/ml620q506h, ml62q12xx, ml62q13xx, ml62q14xx, ml62q15xx/ml62q18xx, ml62q16xx, ml62q17xx

    • products: general-purpose mcus (16bit) , speech playback mcus (8bit)
    • select the variable you want to display in decimal, right-click, and select [number format] > [decimal] from the pop-up menu to display in decimal.

      related products: ml610(q)40x, ml610(q)42x, ml610(q)47x, ml610(q)48x, ml610q10x, ml610q11x, ml610q17x, ml610q30x, ml610q35x, ml610q36x, ml610q38x, ml610q41x, ml610q43x, ml610q46x, ml620q13x, ml620q15x, ml620q416/ml620q418, ml620q503h/ml620q504h/ml620q506h, ml62q12xx, ml62q13xx, ml62q14xx, ml62q15xx/ml62q18xx, ml62q16xx, ml62q17xx

    • products: general-purpose mcus (16bit) , speech playback mcus (8bit)
showing 1 to 10 of 209
of 21